Monday, February 21, 2011

Quality of Light

In my analog class our most recent assignment was to look for the best and most unique light situations. In photography, shooting is the easy part and spending hours editing is the hard part. When it comes to film photography, it is more so the case. After processing the film, I have spent hours in the darkroom working on these five enlargements in which some still need reprinted but overall i'm satisfied with how they look. I took pictures with my DSLR to post.

Symbolic Self Portrait

These are self portraits that don't include me in them but rather an object representing me. In my photographic design class we have been studying symbolism and were challenged to come up with two pictures; I came up with three. =)

Most would say this entertainment stand has no place in the street regardless of the fact that it is indeed there. I, and most people, have been told and been expected to be a certain way because of who I am. I'm told that based on who and what I am what my religious views should be, what my political views should be, how I should act and what I should do. I say bull crap; I am able to be more than a stereotype and I refuse to be.

This is a profound idea of a picture. It symbolizes my love for photography, it symbolizes my willingness to make my life on display unashamed, and of course the egg is symbolic of me often separating myself from others. Not that I'm any type of leader but that I'd rather take care of myself and draw strength from myself.
The camera is symbolic of me as well as demonstrating the role of photography in my life. It is showing me observing and enjoying art and music.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Themes with B&W and Split Toning

 As usual we shot our themes and were told to experiment with some different options. Here's what I got!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Last night Tim and I decided to back some red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese icing. The turned out totally gorgeous and taste extremely delicious. Of course I took pictures along the way!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Themes

Once again I shot my four themes (litter, liquid, transportation, and emergency) and after wandering around downtown like a moron taking pictures of garbage on the ground, this is what I came up with!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Duane Michals Style Sequences

Duane Michals is an inspiring photographer, native to pittsburgh, who shoots in sequences. He is mostly self-taught and has been shooting photography since 1958. Our assignment was to shoot sequences in the style of Duane Michals so I did two separate shoots. Click here to check out some of his work before you look at mine. He has an extremely unique shooting style and they are often politically and religiously motivated.

My first sequence is of consuming pizza, first attempting to eat it with dignity, and then breaking down and eating it like every other American.

The next is of a commute. It demonstrates how time-aware, impatient, and transportation-relient we are as a society. I wanted to get some better pictures but after the trolley driver yelled at me I decided to leave before the police were called seeing how it is considered a homeland security threat to take pictures of public transportation.