Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Quarter, New Toys!

So I am crazy excited about some new equipment that I've purchased over break! I got a new printer, a color correctable monitor, a calibration device, a scanner, new furniture for my bedroom including a huge desk, and a lens baby! So long going to the school to print on Saturdays =)

Below I'm posting pictures of my room and four pictures of examples of what my new lens baby can do. It's a little hard to get the hang of but I'm still learning.

I still have some things to do in my room. I have to put a bookcase together and then I have a little bit of decoration to do. I plan for it to be 100% by the time school starts in two weeks.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Food Pictures for the Quarter

So it's week ten out of eleven and this is my final image bank shoot for food this quarter. I've been doing lots of reading and research and have been improving my techniques so I'm really proud of the work I've been doing recently; let me know what you think.
I'll be attending school full time over the summer and I hope to be able to find a class that will allow be to be able to continue shooting food for a grade. I've learned how much I sincerely enjoy this field of photography.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My new desktop picture!

So in yesterday's large format class we were able to come up with a project of our own. As usual, I had nothing planned. My friend Heather kindly modeled for me and she is now my desktop picture =)