Saturday, September 17, 2011

News: What happening with Dustin as it relates to school???

I'm on a short break from school! I'll be starting back on October fourth.

Next quarter I'm taking three photo classes: portraiture with Karen, advanced studio with Greg, and business of photography with John Libson. I was hoping to do Editorial with Ed but it ended up not working out schedule wise. I will also be taking two electives online, intro to sociology and survey of modern and contemporary art.

I won't have as many picture to post next quarter as I did last, unfortunately, as I'm only doing two shooting classes and neither of them have a lot of shooting and are all based on learning new techniques in-lab.

Last quarter I ended up with three A-'s and one A, which I'm happy with =). You can see in the next image I have posted.

I was looking over my grades since I started at the Art Institute and I became angry over this one C+, my lowest grade! Darn Fred and his Art History class....

In other news, I'm working hard to completely redo my website so you can view all my pictures in categories and albums instead of by date like here on the blog. I will also be removing all the nude pictures from he figure study so the people who feel uncomfortable with them can look at the blog. You'll be able see them all on my website, of course once it's finished.

Check out what I've been working on at

Friday, September 9, 2011


This is the last shoot of my modern antique series. I hope to do more of these, but to be honest it's so hard to come up with good ideas. I've really struggled with coming up with solid images in the last couple shoots. I've decided that I won't do this series anymore unless a brilliant idea pops in my head. This is what I scrapped up for my last shoot.

Last Studio Assignment

Here's my last assignment from my studio class. We were using slow shutter speed or multiple exposure technique to achieve a desired effect. I decided to use multiple exposure and showed the motion of my hand beckoning. I didn't think I was happy with the shoot but looking at the final picture, I'm a lot more satisfied than I though I would be.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Last nudes. For now.

Soooooo next week is finals and this is the last shoot of the nudes series. I decided to go out with a bang and ended up making a royal mess of my apartment!

I'm not sure if I'll be doing shoots like these again. I've received a lot of heat from them, though the more I think about it the less I understand why. The only suggestive pictures I did were funny pictures. Non of the pictures stand a chance of arousing anyone. It's art. Purely art. I've apologized to people before for these but I don't think I will anymore. If you get a sick sexual message from them then you yourself are sick and sexually minded. End of story.
The fact is, this series received the best response out of any other project and I won't regret it. I just might save myself the trouble and never do it again.

Hahaha He was taking a break between shooting and cleaning up colored gloop =P