Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fire; Destruction

These pictures aren't for any assignment and really aren't really that great because it was extremely low light and I hadn't brought my tripod. My buddy Joe Brown needed some pictures of abandoned structures for an assignment so him and I headed to McKeesport because that town is just abundant in abandoned homes. This home was nearly burnt to the ground; it was very sad. Interestingly, Duane Michals, a famous photographer who if who remember has served as some inspiration to me, grew up in McKeesport and for one of his projects he visited his childhood home, which is now abandoned, and took pictures of it. He proceeded to print the pictures as a double exposure along with what his house looked like when he was growing up. It was really neat! He published a book about it called, "The House I Once Called Home." I didn't do anything that elaborate but I thought of him while I was there. For the heck of it I posted an example of Duane Michal's work so you can see what I'm talking about and then my pictures follow.

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